Monday 23 January 2012

Bucket List...

On my last night in Brighton, me and a few friends went to a local Thai restaurant for a few farewell drinks and to get me (and my stomach) in the mood for the trip! As per usual, a couple of us tried to ‘out spice’ each other with an ‘extra hot’ Jungle Curry (it ended in a draw) - I can only imagine the rest of our friends at the table/all the other customers were impressed! All in all, it was a pleasant evening (thanks friends!). As a side note, and to put how nice the Thai meal was into perspective, I also went to see some mates in London the night before departing, we ended up getting a Burger King at London Bridge Train Station, and as per usual, we tried to out ‘large’ each other (it ended in a draw!)

Anyhow, I digress, the ‘bucket list’…the waitress at the aforementioned Thai meal, got wind of my imminent departure to Chiang Mai, partly because some of the people told her, and partly because I was trying out my limited Thai language skills – at this stage* all I could say was ‘Hello’ and ‘Thank you’. It transpired that the waitress and some of the chefs are from Chiang Mai (or nearby!)…and they presented me with a ‘bucket list’ (see pic) of things to do whilst in the city. Time permitting; I will attempt to complete this!

*Update: This remains all I can say!

1 comment:

  1. It was not a drawer and you owe me £20 notes! But its ok, spend it on one of the bucket list!! Hope all is good bro and you haven't bankrupted the company yet. Give it a couple of weeks at least.
